Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Navigation and Disclaimer

    1. What is Inflammation

    2. Basic Understanding of the Immune System

    3. Overview Puzzle Pieces: Identifying Stressors

    1. Impacts of Long Term Stress

    2. Adrenal Terminology: other system equivalents

    3. Adrenal Dysfunction

    4. Restoring balance: Hiding under the Covers

    5. A Letter from Dr. Samel Hahnemann

    6. An Attitude for the End Zone

    7. Plant medicines: The Adrenal System

    1. Understanding the GI system

    2. What does our Microbiota Organ do for us

    3. Claim For Land: The Unrecognized Effects of Antibiotics

    4. Leaky Gut Syndrome Explained

    5. What are Gut Infections

    1. Importance of the Detox System

    2. Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress

    3. Clean Water

    4. Plant Medicines: The Detox system

    1. Electromagnetic Frequencies and their Impact on your Health

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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